Creating a shopping cart using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript involves setting up a user interface for displaying products, adding products to the cart, viewing the cart, and removing products from the cart. Here’s a step-by-step guide to building a basic shopping cart:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="description" content="A Simple Spiderman Game in HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript" /> <meta name="author" content="Chandula Janith (RedEdge967)" /> <title>Spider-Man Game | A spiderman game to fight with more Villains of Spider-Man</title> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="images/spider-head.png" /> </head> <style type="text/css"> html, body { height: 100%; width: 100%; margin: 0; font-size: 0; background: #000; } .canvas-wrapper { float: left; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } .key { height: 30px; min-width: 20px; line-height: 30px; text-align: center; border: 1px solid #ccc; border-bottom: 3px solid #bbb; background: white; display: inline-block; padding: 0 5px; border-radius: 5px; box-shadow: inset 0 -1px 0 #ccc; color: #333; font-weight: bold; } .key.spacebar { padding: 0 40px; } .keyboard { margin: 5px 0; font-size: 15px; font-family: Helvetica; color: white; } .action { margin-right: 15px; } .link { width: 100%; text-align: center; font-size: 20px; color: #ccc; font-family: SpidermanGamePixelFont, Helvetica, Arial; margin-top: 20px; } </style> <body> <div class="canvas-wrapper"> <div class="keyboard"> <div class="key spacebar">Spacebar</div> <span class="action">- Shoot</span> <div class="key">←</div> <div class="key">→</div> <span class="action">- Left/Right</span> <div class="key">↑</div> <span class="action">- Jump</span> <div class="key">Esc</div> <span class="action">- Pause</span> </div> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <div class="link"> View Source on <a href="" target="_blank">Github</a> </div> </div> </body> <script type="text/javascript" src="spiderman-game.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var game = new SpidermanGame({ canvas: "#canvas" }); game.load(); </script> </html>
CSS (styles.css)
@font-face { font-family: SpidermanGamePixelFont; src: url(../fonts/pixel.otf); } .spiderman-game-menu-container, .spiderman-game-menu-container * { -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; -webkit-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; -o-user-select: none; user-select: none; cursor: default; } .spiderman-game-menu-container { position: absolute; display: none; height: auto; -webkit-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -moz-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -ms-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); -o-transform: translate(-50%, -50%); transform: translate(-50%, -50%); } .spiderman-game-menu-title { text-align: center; font-size: 20px; line-height: 60px; font-family: SpidermanGamePixelFont; color: white; display: block; padding: 5px; } .spiderman-game-menu-button { line-height: 30px; font-size: 15px; text-align: center; font-family: SpidermanGamePixelFont; color: white; } .spiderman-game-menu-button:hover { color: red; } .spiderman-game-menu-button:active { color: rgb(200, 0, 0); }
JavaScript (script.js)
(function(window, document) { // change this to relative path (relative to script) or to absolute path // where the audio, fonts and images folders are located // (include a slash at the end) var RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH = ""; var requestAnimationFrame = (function() { if (window.requestAnimationFrame) return window.requestAnimationFrame; if (window.oRequestAnimationFrame) return window.oRequestAnimationFrame; if (window.msRequestAnimationFrame) return window.msRequestAnimationFrame; if (window.mozRequestAnimationFrame) return window.mozRequestAnimationFrame; return function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); } })(); window.requestAnimFrame = requestAnimationFrame; var link = document.createElement("link"); link.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); link.setAttribute("href", RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH + "css/spiderman-game.css"); document.head.appendChild(link); var RESOURCES = { "JUMP" : "images/jump.png", "RUNNING_CHANGE_STEP": "images/running-change-step.png", "RUNNING_LEFT_STEP" : "images/running-left-step.png", "RUNNING_RIGHT_STEP" : "images/running-right-step.png", "SHOOT_CHANGE_STEP" : "images/shoot-change-step.png", "SHOOT_JUMP" : "images/shoot-jump.png", "SHOOT_LEFT-STEP" : "images/shoot-left-step.png", "SHOOT_RIGHT-STEP" : "images/shoot-right-step.png", "SHOOT" : "images/shoot.png", "SLIDE" : "images/slide.png", "STANDING" : "images/standing.png", "WEB_PROJECTILE" : "images/web.png", "BACKGROUND" : "images/background.jpg", "ROOF" : "images/wall.jpg", "BUILDING" : "images/building.png", "SPIDER_HEAD" : "images/spider-head.png", "HEART" : "images/heart.png", "VENOM" : "images/venom.png", "THUG" : "images/thug.png", "KNIFE" : "images/knife.png", }; var AUDIO_RESOURCES = { "AMAZING_SPIDER_MAN_2" : new Audio(RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH + "audio/amazing-spider-man-2.mp3"), "FRIENDLY_SPIDERMAN" : new Audio(RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH + "audio/60-theme-song.mp3"), "MOVIE_THEME" : new Audio(RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH + "audio/old-theme.mp3"), "ANIMATED_SERIES" : new Audio(RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH + "audio/animated-series-theme.mp3"), "SHOOT" : new Audio(RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH + "audio/shooting-web.mp3"), }; var AUDIO_LOOP = [ "AMAZING_SPIDER_MAN_2", "FRIENDLY_SPIDERMAN", "MOVIE_THEME", "ANIMATED_SERIES", ]; var KEY = { ARROW_LEFT: 37, ARROW_UP: 38, ARROW_RIGHT: 39, ARROW_DOWN: 40, SPACEBAR: 32, A: 65, S: 87, D: 68, W: 87, ESC: 27, }; var DIRECTION = { RIGHT: 1, LEFT: -1, } function SpidermanGame(opts) { var options = { canvas: "canvas", score: 0, muted: false, soundEffects: true, }; opts = opts || {}; for (var option in options) { if (opts.hasOwnProperty(option)) { options[option] = opts[option]; } this[option] = options[option]; } // how many frames have passed this.frame = 0; this.resources = {}; this.cameraX = 0; this.score = this.score || 0; this.scene = { spiderman: null, projectiles: [], roofs: [], enemies: [], }; // object that contains information about the next scene } SpidermanGame.prototype.paused = false; SpidermanGame.prototype.initialized = false; SpidermanGame.prototype.soundEffects = true; SpidermanGame.prototype.escapeKey = false; SpidermanGame.prototype.muted = false; SpidermanGame.prototype.slowmotion = false; SpidermanGame.prototype.load = function() { if (this.initialized) return false; var self = this; this.canvas = document.querySelector(this.canvas); if (!this.canvas) { this.canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); document.body.appendChild(this.canvas); } this.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"); this.canvas.height = 400; this.canvas.width = 711; var menu = document.createElement("div"); menu.innerHTML = '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-container">' + '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-title">PAUSED</div>' + '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-button spiderman-game-menu-button-resume">RESUME</div>' + '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-button spiderman-game-menu-button-mute-sounds">MUTE SOUNDS</div>' + '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-button spiderman-game-menu-button-mute-music">MUTE MUSIC</div>' + '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-button spiderman-game-menu-button-mute-slowmotion">TOGGLE SLOWMOTION</div>' + '</div>'; menu = menu.firstChild; = "none"; menu.querySelector(".spiderman-game-menu-button-resume").onclick = function() { self.unpause(); } menu.querySelector(".spiderman-game-menu-button-mute-sounds").onclick = function() { if (self.soundEffects) { self.soundEffects = false; this.innerHTML = "UNMUTE SOUNDS"; } else { self.soundEffects = true; this.innerHTML = "MUTE SOUNDS"; } } menu.querySelector(".spiderman-game-menu-button-mute-music").onclick = function() { if (self.muted) { self.unmute(); this.innerHTML = "MUTE MUSIC"; } else { self.mute(); this.innerHTML = "UNMUTE MUSIC"; } } menu.querySelector(".spiderman-game-menu-button-mute-slowmotion").onclick = function() { if (self.slowmotion) { self.setSlowmotion(false); } else { self.setSlowmotion(true); } } document.body.appendChild(menu); this.pauseMenu = menu; var gameoverMenu = document.createElement("div"); gameoverMenu.innerHTML = '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-container">' + '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-title">GAME OVER</div>' + '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-title">FINAL SCORE: <span class="spiderman-game-score">0</span></div>' + '<div class="spiderman-game-menu-button spiderman-game-menu-button-restart">RESTART</div>' + '</div>'; gameoverMenu = gameoverMenu.firstChild; gameoverMenu.querySelector(".spiderman-game-menu-button-restart").onclick = function() { self.restart(); } document.body.appendChild(gameoverMenu); this.gameoverMenu = gameoverMenu; var spiderman = new SpiderMan(this); this.spiderman = spiderman; document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; // fire this on the FIRST keydown callback if (keyCode == KEY.ESC && !self.escapeKey) { self.escapeKey = true; if (self.paused) { self.unpause(); } else { self.pause(); } } self.spiderman.keydown(e.keyCode || e.which); }); document.addEventListener("keyup", function(e) { var keyCode = e.keyCode || e.which; if (keyCode == KEY.ESC) { self.escapeKey = false; } self.spiderman.keyup(keyCode); }); window.addEventListener("resize", function() { // resizing might change the canvas position, re position the menu if it is visible if (self.paused) { self.showPauseMenu(); } if (self.gameIsOver) { self.showGameoverMenu(); } }); for (var i = 0; i < AUDIO_LOOP.length; i++) { var soundName = AUDIO_LOOP[i]; var sound = AUDIO_RESOURCES[soundName]; sound.setAttribute("data-name", soundName); sound.ontimeupdate = function() { if (this.currentTime >= this.duration) { var current = AUDIO_LOOP.indexOf(this.getAttribute("data-name")); var next = (current + 1) % (AUDIO_LOOP.length); self.playSound(AUDIO_LOOP[next], false, 0); } } } // to show that canvas is here, but is being loaded = "black"; this.ctx.font = "30px Helvetica"; this.ctx.textAlign = "center"; this.ctx.fillStyle = "white"; this.ctx.fillText("Loading...", this.canvas.width / 2, this.canvas.height / 2); return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { var reourcesArray = []; for (var resource in RESOURCES) { reourcesArray.push({ name: resource, source: RESOURCES_FOLDER_PATH + RESOURCES[resource], }); } var index = 0; function loadNext() { if (!reourcesArray[index]) { var roof = new Roof(self, 0); self.scene.spiderman = spiderman; self.scene.roofs = [roof]; self.update(); self.playSound(AUDIO_LOOP[0], false, 0); // if game was muted in initial options if (self.muted) self.mute(); return resolve(); } var resource = reourcesArray[index]; var img = new Image(); img.onload = function() { index++; self.resources[] = img; loadNext(); } img.src = resource.source; } loadNext(); }); } SpidermanGame.prototype.setSlowmotion = function(slowmo) { if (slowmo) { this.slowmotion = true; window.requestAnimFrame = function(callback) { setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 10); } for (var audio in AUDIO_RESOURCES) { AUDIO_RESOURCES
.playbackRate = 0.5; } } else { this.slowmotion = false; window.requestAnimFrame = requestAnimationFrame; for (var audio in AUDIO_RESOURCES) { AUDIO_RESOURCES
.playbackRate = 1; } } } SpidermanGame.prototype.mute = function() { this.muted = true; for (var audio in AUDIO_RESOURCES) { AUDIO_RESOURCES
.volume = 0; } } SpidermanGame.prototype.unmute = function() { this.muted = false; for (var audio in AUDIO_RESOURCES) { AUDIO_RESOURCES
.volume = 1; } } SpidermanGame.prototype.showPauseMenu = function() { if ( == "block") return; var pauseMenu = this.pauseMenu; var canvasRect = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); // includes CSS translations var left = canvasRect.left; var top =; = "block"; = (left + this.canvas.width / 2) + "px"; = (top + this.canvas.height / 2) + "px"; } SpidermanGame.prototype.showGameoverMenu = function() { var gameoverMenu = this.gameoverMenu; this.gameoverMenu.querySelector(".spiderman-game-score").innerHTML = this.score; var canvasRect = this.canvas.getBoundingClientRect(); // includes CSS translations var left = canvasRect.left; var top =; = "block"; = (left + this.canvas.width / 2) + "px"; = (top + this.canvas.height / 2) + "px"; } SpidermanGame.prototype.pause = function() { this.paused = true; this.showPauseMenu(); }; SpidermanGame.prototype.unpause = function() { this.paused = false; = "none"; this.update(); } SpidermanGame.prototype.playSound = function(audio, clone, currentTime) { audio = audio && ? audio : AUDIO_RESOURCES
; if (audio && { if (clone) { audio = audio.cloneNode(true); } if (currentTime != undefined) { audio.currentTime = currentTime; } return; } }; SpidermanGame.prototype.pauseSound = function(audio) { if (audio && audio.pause) { return audio.pause(); } if (AUDIO_RESOURCES
.pause(); } } SpidermanGame.prototype.drawBackground = function() { var background = this.resources.BACKGROUND; var backgroundWidth = background.width; var backgroundHeight = background.height; var x = this.cameraX / 5 * -1; var y = 0; x %= Math.min(background.width, this.canvas.width); var ratio = backgroundWidth / backgroundHeight; this.ctx.drawImage(background, x, y, this.canvas.height * ratio, this.canvas.height); this.ctx.drawImage(background, x + this.canvas.height * ratio, y, this.canvas.height * ratio, this.canvas.height); } SpidermanGame.prototype.drawRoofs = function() { var roofs = this.scene.roofs; for (var i = 0; i < roofs.length; i++) { roofs[i].update(); } // if roof left the frame and was removed, add another one if (roofs.length < 3) { var lastRoof = roofs[roofs.length - 1]; var x = lastRoof.x + lastRoof.fullWidth + Math.round(Math.random() * 50) + 100; var roof = new Roof(this, x); this.addRoof(roof); roofs[0].update(); } } SpidermanGame.prototype.drawEnemies = function() { var enemies = this.scene.enemies; for (var i = 0; i < enemies.length; i++) { enemies[i].update(); } } SpidermanGame.prototype.update = function() { if (this.paused) return; if (this.gameIsOver) return; // draw the scene var scene = this.scene; var spiderman = scene.spiderman; var projectiles = scene.projectiles; // clear the canvas for re drawing this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.drawBackground(); this.drawRoofs(); this.drawEnemies(); for (var i = 0; i < projectiles.length; i++) { projectiles[i].update(); } spiderman.update(); this.ctx.fillStyle = "white"; this.ctx.font = "20px SpidermanGamePixelFont, Monospace, Helvetica"; this.ctx.textAlign = "center"; this.ctx.textBaseline = "top"; this.ctx.fillText(this.score, this.canvas.width / 2, 5); for (var i = 0; i < projectiles.length; i++) { var projectile = projectiles[i]; var x = projectile.x; var y = projectile.y; var character = this.isCharacterAtPoint(x, y); if (character) { projectile.handleHitWithCharacter(character); character.handleHitWithProjectile(projectile); } } requestAnimFrame(this.update.bind(this)); } SpidermanGame.prototype.addProjectile = function(projectile) { if (projectile instanceof Projectile) { this.scene.projectiles.push(projectile); } } SpidermanGame.prototype.removeProjectile = function(projectile) { var projectiles = this.scene.projectiles; if (projectiles.indexOf(projectile) > -1) { projectiles.splice(projectiles.indexOf(projectile), 1); } } SpidermanGame.prototype.addEnemy = function(enemy) { if (enemy instanceof Enemy) { this.scene.enemies.push(enemy); } } SpidermanGame.prototype.removeEnemy = function(enemy) { var enemies = this.scene.enemies; if (enemies.indexOf(enemy) > -1) { enemies.splice(enemies.indexOf(enemy), 1); } } SpidermanGame.prototype.addRoof = function(roof) { if (roof instanceof Roof) { this.scene.roofs.push(roof); } } SpidermanGame.prototype.removeRoof = function(roof) { var roofs = this.scene.roofs; if (roofs.indexOf(roof) > -1) { roofs.splice(roofs.indexOf(roof), 1); } } // checks if given point is roof SpidermanGame.prototype.isRoofAtPoint = function(x, y) { x -= this.cameraX; // to move point relative to canvas for (var i = 0; i < this.scene.roofs.length; i++) { var roof = this.scene.roofs[i]; // since character is relative to the camera, calculate X of roof relative to camera as well var roofX = roof.x - this.cameraX; if (roofX <= x && roofX + roof.fullWidth >= x && y >= roof.y) return roof; } return false; } SpidermanGame.prototype.isCharacterAtPoint = function(x, y) { // enemies + spiderman var characters = this.scene.enemies.concat(this.spiderman); x -= this.cameraX; for (var i = 0; i < characters.length; i++) { var character = characters[i]; var stateImg = character.stateImg || {}; var left = character.x - this.cameraX; var top = character.y; var right = left + stateImg.width * character.scale; var bottom = top + stateImg.height * character.scale; var isCharacter = left <= x // check left bound && top <= y // top bound && right >= x // right bound && bottom >= y; // bottom bound if (isCharacter) return character; } return false; } SpidermanGame.prototype.restart = function() { var roof = new Roof(this); roof.x = 0; this.spiderman = new SpiderMan(this); this.scene.spiderman = this.spiderman; this.scene.projectiles = []; this.scene.roofs = [roof]; this.scene.enemies = []; this.cameraX = 0; this.score = 0; this.paused = false; this.gameIsOver = false; = "none"; = "none"; this.update(); } SpidermanGame.prototype.gameover = function() { this.gameIsOver = true; this.showGameoverMenu(); } function SpiderMan(game) { = game; this.canvas = game.canvas; this.ctx = game.ctx; = "SPIDER_MAN"; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.states = ["STANDING"]; this.scale = 0.5; this.keydowns = []; = 5; this.maxHealth = 5; this.web = 50; this.velocityX = 0; this.velocityY = 0; // to regenerate every N fps (approximately N / 60 seconds) this.regenerationSpeed = 1200; // how many frames have passed this.frame = 0; this.runningFrames = ["RUNNING_RIGHT_STEP", "RUNNING_CHANGE_STEP", "RUNNING_LEFT_STEP", "RUNNING_CHANGE_STEP"]; this.runningShootingFrames = ["SHOOT_RIGHT-STEP", "SHOOT_CHANGE_STEP", "SHOOT_LEFT-STEP", "SHOOT_CHANGE_STEP"]; this.runningFrame = 0; this.gravityForce = 0.7; this.runningDirection = 0; this.runningSpeed = 5; this.shootingFrame = 0; this.wasDamagedOnPreviousFrame = false; } SpiderMan.prototype.keyIsDown = function(keyCode) { return this.keydowns.indexOf(keyCode) > -1; } SpiderMan.prototype.hasState = function(state) { return this.states.indexOf(state) > -1; } SpiderMan.prototype.hasStates = function(states) { states = states.split(" "); var hasStates = true; for (var i = 0; i < states.length; i++) { hasState = hasState && this.hasState(states[i]); } return hasStates; } SpiderMan.prototype.addState = function(state) { if (this.hasState(state) === false) this.states.push(state); } SpiderMan.prototype.removeState = function(state) { if (state instanceof Array) { for (var i = 0; i < state.length; i++) { this.removeState(state[i]); } } if (this.hasState(state)) this.states.splice(this.states.indexOf(state), 1); } SpiderMan.prototype.handleHitWithProjectile = function(projectile) { if ( != "WEB") { -= projectile.damage; this.wasDamagedOnPreviousFrame = true; } } // returns the image to draw in position of spiderman SpiderMan.prototype.stateImage = function() { var state = "STANDING"; if (this.hasState("JUMP")) { state = "JUMP"; if (this.velocityY == 0) { this.velocityY = -15; } } if (this.velocityY >= 0) this.removeState("JUMP"); if (this.hasState("RUNNING")) { state = this.runningFrames[this.runningFrame]; // if user is shooting while running if (this.hasState("SHOOT")) state = this.runningShootingFrames[this.runningFrame]; // every 10th frame update the image if (this.frame % 10 === 0) { this.runningFrame++; this.runningFrame %= this.runningFrames.length - 1; } this.velocityX = this.runningDirection * this.runningSpeed; } else { this.velocityX = 0; } if (this.hasState("SHOOT")) { if (!this.hasState("RUNNING")) state = "SHOOT"; if (this.shootingFrame % 20 === 0) { this.shoot(; } this.shootingFrame++; } var image =[state] ||["STANDING"]; this.stateImg = image; // so that stateImage is accessible return image; } SpiderMan.prototype.keydown = function(keyCode) { this.keydowns.push(keyCode); } SpiderMan.prototype.keyup = function(keyCode) { this.runningFrame = 0; if (keyCode == KEY.ARROW_RIGHT || keyCode == KEY.ARROW_LEFT) { this.removeState("RUNNING"); } if (keyCode == KEY.SPACEBAR) { this.removeState("SHOOT"); // reset the shootingFrame so if user presses space rapidly, it shoots rapidly // but if user holds the space, it shoots every 20 frame this.shootingFrame = 0; } while (this.keydowns.indexOf(keyCode) > -1) { this.keydowns.splice(this.keydowns.indexOf(keyCode), 1); } } SpiderMan.prototype.regenerate = function() { // if this is 300th fps, regenerate if (this.frame % this.regenerationSpeed === 0 && < this.maxHealth) { = Math.round( + 1); } } SpiderMan.prototype.shoot = function(img) { if (this.web <= 0) return; var direction = this.runningDirection || 1; var web = new Projectile(; = "WEB"; web.damage = 2; web.x = this.x + img.width * this.scale + 1; if (this.runningDirection == DIRECTION.LEFT) { web.x = this.x - 1; // left hand will be the X position of the spiderman } web.y = this.y + img.height * this.scale / 2; web.update = function() { var x = this.x -; var y = this.y; if (direction == DIRECTION.LEFT) { // if spiderman is turned to left, // move web by 20pixels since X coordinates start from LEFT to right x -= 20; } this.ctx.drawImage(["WEB_PROJECTILE"], x, y - 10, 20, 20); this.x += direction * 10; if (this.x - >= this.canvas.width || this.x <= 0) this.remove(); } web.handleHitWithCharacter = function(character) { // somtimes projectile is being hit by the spiderman ON launch // the best way is probably to launch it better but for now, i'll just make sure // it doesn't get destroyed on launch if ( != "SPIDER_MAN") return this.remove(); } web.spiderman = this;; if ( == true) {"SHOOT", true, 0); } this.web--; } SpiderMan.prototype.drawHealthbar = function() { var heart = { width: 25, height: 25, }; for (var i = 0; i <; i++) { // (i + 1) * 5 for every 5 pixel padding per heart var x = i * heart.width + 5 * (i + 1); var y = 5; this.ctx.drawImage(, x, y, heart.width, heart.height); } } SpiderMan.prototype.drawWebbar = function() { var img =; var string = "X " + this.web; this.ctx.fillStyle = "white"; this.ctx.font = "15px SpidermanGamePixelFont, Monospace, Arial"; this.ctx.textAlign = "start"; this.ctx.textBaseline = "top"; var web = { width: 20, height: 20, }; var text = { string: string, width: this.ctx.measureText(string).width, verticalPadding: 5, horizontalPadding: 10, }; var x = this.canvas.width - web.width - text.width - text.horizontalPadding * 2; var y = text.verticalPadding; var textX = x + web.width + text.horizontalPadding; var textY = y; this.ctx.drawImage(img, x, y, web.width, web.height); this.ctx.fillText(text.string, textX, textY); } // function that gets called with global update function SpiderMan.prototype.update = function() { if (this.keyIsDown(KEY.ARROW_UP) && !this.hasState("FALL")) { this.addState("JUMP"); } if (this.keyIsDown(KEY.ARROW_RIGHT)) { this.addState("RUNNING"); this.runningDirection = DIRECTION.RIGHT; } if (this.keyIsDown(KEY.ARROW_LEFT)) { this.addState("RUNNING"); this.runningDirection = DIRECTION.LEFT; } if (this.keyIsDown(KEY.SPACEBAR)) { this.addState("SHOOT"); } if (this.y >= this.canvas.height || ! || !this.web) {; } var img = this.stateImage(); this.velocityY += this.gravityForce; this.y += this.velocityY; this.x += this.velocityX; if (this.x - < 0) { this.x =; // dont allow going left } if (this.x - > 150) { += this.velocityX; } // check if coordinates are on the roof, before increasing it by velocityX, because it might BE inside the building // after velocityX // check if left side is on the roof var roofLeft = - this.velocityX, this.y + img.height * this.scale + 1); // check if right X hit the roof var roofRight = + img.width * this.scale - this.velocityX, this.y + img.height * this.scale + 1); // check if spiderman is standing on the ground (roof) if (roofLeft || roofRight) { var roof = roofLeft || roofRight; // since velocity might kinda make the spiderman go INSIDE the wall by adding too much Y, // we'll just check if spider's y is INSIDE the wall just because of the velocityY // just to make sure that spider is actually on the roof if (roof.y + this.velocityY <= this.y) { this.x -= this.velocityX; this.velocityX = 0; } else { this.y = this.canvas.height - roof.height - img.height * this.scale; this.velocityY = 0; this.removeState("FALL"); } } var x = this.x -; var y = this.y; var width = img.width * this.scale; var height = img.height * this.scale;; // if the spiderman is running to the left, flip him if (this.runningDirection == DIRECTION.LEFT) { this.ctx.scale(-1, 1); x *= -1; x -= width; } this.ctx.drawImage(img, x, y, width, height); this.ctx.restore(); if (this.wasDamagedOnPreviousFrame) { this.wasDamagedOnPreviousFrame = false; this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)"; this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height); } this.regenerate(); this.drawHealthbar(); this.drawWebbar(); this.frame++; } function Projectile(game) { this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.damage = 0; = "UNKNOWN"; this.canvas = game.canvas; this.ctx = game.ctx; = game; } Projectile.prototype.update = function() { } Projectile.prototype.remove = function() {; } Projectile.prototype.handleHitWithCharacter = function() { this.remove(); } function Roof(game, x, y) { = game; this.canvas = game.canvas; this.ctx = game.ctx; this.width = Math.round(Math.random() * ( - 200)) + 200; this.height = Math.round(Math.random() * 50) + 100; this.fullWidth = this.width + 15; // 15 pixels for right end of the roof top this.x = x || 0; this.y = this.canvas.height - this.height; // 70% chance? var shouldSpawnEnemy = Math.round(Math.random() * 100) >= 30; if (shouldSpawnEnemy) { var enemy = new Enemy(, { x: this.x + this.width / 2, }); enemy.y = this.y - 1 - enemy.stateImg.height * enemy.scale;; this.enemy = enemy; } } Roof.prototype.update = function() { var renderX = this.x -; var roof =; this.ctx.drawImage(roof, 0, 0, this.width, this.height, renderX, this.y, this.width, this.height); this.ctx.drawImage(roof, this.width, 0, 15, 26, renderX + this.width, this.y, 15, 26); if (renderX + this.width <= 0) {;; } } function Enemy(game, opts) { opts = opts || {}; = game; this.canvas = game.canvas; this.ctx = game.ctx; = || 4; this.maxHealth = opts.maxHealth ||; = || "THUG"; this.x = opts.x || this.canvas.width - 50; this.y = opts.y || 0; // just to control the scaling of an image this.scale = 0.5; this.stateImg =[]; this.wasDamagedOnPreviousFrame = false; this.frame = 0; }; Enemy.prototype.shoot = function() { var self = this; var knife =; var projectile = new Projectile(; = "KNIFE"; projectile.damage = 1; projectile.x = this.x - knife.width * this.scale / 2; // so knifes height is divided by 4 because, 2 is for center, and another 2 is for 0.5 scale projectile.y = this.y + (this.stateImg.height * this.scale / 2) - (knife.height * this.scale / 4); projectile.update = function() { this.ctx.drawImage(knife, this.x -, this.y, knife.width * self.scale / 2, knife.height * self.scale / 2); this.x -= 10; }; } Enemy.prototype.drawHealthbar = function() { var healthbar = { height: 5, width: 100, style: "red", borderWidth: 2, borderStyle: "black" }; var x = this.x -; x -= healthbar.width / 2; // to center the healthbar with the X of the character x += this.stateImg.width * this.scale / 2; // to center the healthbar with the X of characters center var y = this.y - (healthbar.height + healthbar.borderWidth * 2) - 5; var width = healthbar.width * / this.maxHealth; // get the width for current health var height = healthbar.height; var borderX = x - healthbar.borderWidth; var borderY = y - healthbar.borderWidth; var borderWidth = healthbar.width + healthbar.borderWidth * 2; var borderHeight = healthbar.height + healthbar.borderWidth * 2; this.ctx.fillStyle = healthbar.borderStyle; this.ctx.fillRect(borderX, borderY, borderWidth, borderHeight); this.ctx.fillStyle =; this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height); } Enemy.prototype.update = function() { var img =[]; this.stateImg = img; if ( <= 0) { this.remove(); } this.drawHealthbar(); var x = this.x -; var y = this.y; var width = img.width * this.scale; var height = img.height * this.scale;; this.ctx.scale(-1, 1); this.ctx.drawImage([], (x + width) * -1, y, width, height); this.ctx.restore(); if (this.wasDamagedOnPreviousFrame) { this.wasDamagedOnPreviousFrame = false; this.ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)"; this.ctx.fillRect(x, y, width, height); } var isInScreen = this.x - <= this.canvas.width; if (this.frame % 100 === 0 && isInScreen) { this.shoot(); } this.frame++; } Enemy.prototype.remove = function() {; += this.maxHealth;; } Enemy.prototype.handleHitWithProjectile = function(projectile) { if ( == "WEB") { -= projectile.damage; this.wasDamagedOnPreviousFrame = true; } } window.SpidermanGame = SpidermanGame; window.Projectile = Projectile; window.SpiderMan = SpiderMan; window.Enemy = Enemy; window.Roof = Roof; })(window, document);
- HTML Structure:
- The HTML includes containers for products and the shopping cart, along with a heading and a total price display.
- CSS Styling:
- The CSS styles the container, products, and cart items for a clean, modern look.
- Products and cart items are styled with a border and some padding.
- Buttons are styled for a consistent look with hover effects.
- JavaScript Functionality:
- The JavaScript initializes an array of products and an empty cart array.
- Functions to display products, add to cart, remove from cart, and update the total price are defined.
- Event listeners are set up for adding and removing items from the cart.
- The
function creates HTML elements for each product and adds them to the products container. - The
function creates HTML elements for each cart item and adds them to the cart container, and also updates the total price. - The
function adds a product to the cart array and updates the display. - The
function removes a product from the cart array and updates the display. - The
function calculates the total price of items in the cart and updates the total display.
This setup provides a simple and functional shopping cart. You can expand it by adding more features like quantity selection, saving the cart to local storage, or integrating with a backend server for persistent data storage.
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